
Become a registered member of our QBdirect users community.

Quick Access to Valuable Product Information

With QBdirect you can access detailed product information by searching our trove of FAQs. You can also download system upgrades, software updates, and get advance notice of programs for terminals and scanners. QBdirect also gives you a priority e-pipeline to our product experts.

Register Now

Follow the prompts to select your type of registration (product owner or non-owner), and read and accept the user agreement. Follow the prompts to select your type of registration (product owner or non-owner), and read and accept the user agreement. 

You’ll be asked to provide some basic information and create a password. Your email address is your user I.D. If you are registering as a product owner you’ll also be asked to provide a serial number, purchase date, and vendor name.

Once you click “Register” you will receive an on-screen acknowledgment and a login form. Welcome to QBdirect!

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